Sweet Baby Theo, below and above, was born on June 25th, 2008 at about 8:30 p.m. after 13 hours of labor. Sabrina and Josh were both very tired and Abigail and I were tired too! But we were tired from WAITING all day! He is a beautiful little boy and we all love him very much. He is a wonderful mixture of his Mom and his Dad and you can see them both in him from his toes to his nose. He weighs 7 lbs 11 oz., is 21 inches long and has just a little bit of hair. He is quiet and peaceful, except when he is hungry or being changed...then he lets you know he is there! Big Sister Abigail loves having him on her lap and holding his hand, and Mom and Dad just can't seem to put him down. And of course, Grandma holds him every moment she gets a chance. More to come later....for now it is off to the hospital.